There are many ways that you can share of your time, talent, or treasure. For volunteer opportunities, please contact our Ministry Coordinator. If you are moved to make donation, you can do so online or set-up a time to speak with someone here personally. However you feel moved to contribute, may God continue to bless you! Thank you!
Planned Giving
Planned giving can help you leave a legacy without impacting your cash flow during your lifetime. It empowers you to make decisions that have a larger impact on Wayfarers Chapel than you may have ever thought was possible. To find out more about how your legacy can continue on here at Wayfarers Chapel, please reach out to our Director of Finance and Administration, Rev. Dan Burchett, at (310) 377-1650 x6.
Thank You!
Gifts by Bequest
Sample Bequest Language: I give [ __ percent of my estate, or description of asset, or ____ dollars] to Wayfarers Chapel (Tax ID 04-6002669), for its general use.
Gifts by Beneficiary Designation
- Life Insurance Policies
- Retirement Plan Savings
- Gifts of Savings Bonds
- Gifts of Certificates of Deposit and other Bank Accounts
Please remember: This information is not intended as to be legal advice. For legal advice, please contact your professional tax attorney or accountant.
Gifts that Reduce Taxes
- A Charitable Remainder Trust
- A Gift of Retirement Plan Assets
- Gift Annuity Funded with Stock
- Gift Annuity Funded with Stock
- A Charitable Lead Trust
- Rollover an IRA Required
Minimum Distribution
Please remember: This information is not intended as to be legal advice. For legal advice, please contact your professional tax attorney or accountant.