To Be of Use Team

Our To Be of Use Team partners with our sister church in San Pedro, The Garden Church, to provide a hot meal for approximately 50 people on the 3rd Sunday of each month. The meal is open to everyone and supports our unhoused and underhoused neighbors.

The meal is open to everyone in the community; the only requirement to attend is that you are hungry.

If you are interested in joining out To Be of Use Team, contributing food or monetary donations to support our monthly community meal, please email Rev. Dr. David Brown at [email protected], or call 310-377-1650 x5.

If you are interested in joining us for the meal, we eat together on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 5pm. Our To Be of Use Team only sponsors the meal once a month, but The Garden Church has a meal every Sunday!

At the Garden Church, they work in the Garden together at 3pm, worship together at 4pm, and eat together at 5pm. You are welcome and encouraged to attend any or all parts of their day of worship.

A little bit about The Garden Church

The Garden Church is re-imagining church as an interconnected organism, worshiping, loving, and serving together as they transform a plot of land into a vibrant urban garden. The Garden Church provides a living experience of encountering the Divine in community, scripture, nature, and the life of useful service, and being the church together on multiple levels. Through worshiping, working and learning together, feeding the hungry, and addressing the needs of the local community, this church is living sanctuary for all who seek a place to grow, to love and be loved, and to belong. Creating a place of Spiritual community where God’s love is made visible as people are fed in body, mind, and Spirit.

Feed and Be Fed is The Garden Church’s non-profit wing and is focused on running their shared urban garden and outdoor sanctuary.

The mission of Feed and be Fed is to feed the community in body, mind, and Spirit. The Garden Church and Feed and Be Fed work hand in hand to provide for the physical, educational, and Spiritual needs of the community and to cultivate a more just and generous world.

You can learn more and connect with The Garden Church directly through their website: