Reaffirmation Services

“True love is a union of souls and bonding of minds, creating a bond in the hearts and therefore in the flesh. Its everlasting joys are interdependence, peace, tranquility, inmost friendship, unreserved trust, and a mutual desire of mind and heart to be of every possible service to each other.”

~ Emanuel Swedenborg, Love in Marriage §180

Celebrate your love

Many couples choose to celebrate their love by renewing their marriage commitments on a special day, such as the tenth, twenty-fifth, fortieth, or fiftieth wedding anniversary.

The wording of the service reflects the passage of time and the experience of the couple. Some wish to have their children take part. Your original rings may be blessed again or new rings, marking the celebration, may also be exchanged.

A reaffirmation service is conducted much like a wedding service and has the same requirements and guidelines.